Monday, June 4, 2012

Savannah is 6 months old

Savannah is six months old. What is our sweet girl up to? She can sit up on her own, started eating baby food, loves to put everything in her mouth, sleeps pretty well through the night most of the time, weighs 15 pounds 10 ounces and is 25 1/4 inches long, loves bath time with big sister, is rolling all over the place, loves to listen to music (me singing her to sleep, Ammon playing the guitar), has the cutest smile ever, just might have her daddy's nose, thinks Sharon is the best person ever, likes to snuggle into my shoulder when she's ready to go to sleep, wear's the same size diapers as Sharon (they both fit in size threes), and keeps us all smiling! Here's her laundry basket picture & a picture from a photo shoot that I did with her Sunday morning before going to church.

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