Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Family Pictures

While we were down in Glendale this last weekend, my Mom wanted to take our family pictures, so that she can use them for her Christmas cards. This was pretty much the last time we can take them before Christmas if we'd wanted the whole family because Janelle leaves for basic training today & won't be back for about 6 or 7 months. I think they turned out really well! I took them, & with some slight editing on the computer they look even better. I just changed the brightness & contrast a little & increased the saturation slightly. You'll notice that Allyssa doesn't have an individual picture & that's because she was whining & didn't want to have it taken. I didn't really care at the point because I was ready to stop kneeling anyways. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Randi said...

Very nice family pictures. You all look so great.